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Posting Third Party Reviews

Posting Third Party Reviews

Postby phileysmiley » Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:42 am

Posting Third Party Reviews!

You may be surfing the web and come across a review or evaluation of a product of interest to PROneT members. This is typically a software or hardware review, or a comparison of products (for example, "10 Best Monitors").

    1) Rewrite or paraphrase the first couple of paragraphs. You should write 2 - 4 paragraphs of 4 - 5 lines each.
    Copy & paste the first 2 - 4 paragraphs of 4 - 5 lines each. Don't worry about where their paragraphs start and end. Just start and end them where needed to match the guidelines.
    2) Provide a direct link to the article.
    3) Create a title of about 30 characters. You don't have to use the title of the article.
    4) UNCHECK your sig.

Use this post as a template:
:view: Gateway Launches 2 New Laptops
Or this one, which uses bold, underline, and a larger font on the title, but you can leave that up to the moderators to add later:
:view: 210 Graphics Cards Compared
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