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Command utilities of XP

Postby InTrIgue » Sun Jan 20, 2002 12:02 am

1. TREE Command prompt utility> prints the directry tree structure in Command enviroment. 2. PING Command prompt utility >to check your network connection availability 3. ROUTE Command prompt utility >with print parameter details network interface of computer 4. ASSOC Command prompt utility> without parameters displays associations for file extensions. 5. IPCONFIG Command prompt utility >displays ip configurations details 6. BOOTCFG Command prompt utility >to display boot.ini info at Command prompt 7. DEFRAG Command prompt utility> to do disk defragmentation 8. DISKPART Command prompt utility >to do disk partitioning 9. GETMAC Command prompt utility >to get media address control 10. DRIVERQUERY Command prompt utility >to list all the drivers installed on your system 11. PAGEFILECONFIG Command prompt utility >to config virtual memory settings 12. PRNCNFG Command prompt utility> to config printer settings 13. PRNQCTL Command prompt utility >to test print or pause/resume printer 14. SC Command prompt utility> to config service information 15. SHUTDOWN Command prompt utility> to shutdown your computer 16. SYSTEMINFO Command prompt utility >to display syste, info 17. TASKKILL Command prompt utility> to kill or terminate one or more tasks 18. TASKLIST Command prompt utility >to list tasks 19. SCHTASKS Command prompt utility >to shedule and run tasks periodically 20. ARP Command prompt utility >for TCP/IP ARP implementation 21. PATHPING Command prompt utility >for TCP/IP PATHPING implementation 22. CACLS Command prompt utility> to control ACLs program 23. NSLOOKUP Command prompt utility >to do name service lookup (tells ISP's server name,IP etc..) 24. MSG Command prompt utility >to send messages to a user or session 25. HOSTNAME Command prompt utility >to get host name 26. REG Console >Registry tool> 27. NETSH >Network Command Shell 28. NETSTAT Command prompt utility> for TCP/IP NETSTAT implementation 29. RCP Command prompt utility> for TCP/IP RCP implementation 30. RSH Command prompt utility >for TCP/IP RSH implementation
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Postby zalez » Sun Jan 20, 2002 5:38 pm

I would like to amend #5. I have found this alittle more useful. ipconfig/all
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